Consequent multi-cultural mayhem ensues in the form of this pious pee-wee desk robot. Ostensibly, he wields a crucifix/bouquet of violets. Substantively, he is effective at curbing youthful daydreams about coy debs with sensible haircuts.
Father-In Law Day is tommorow and I'd just like to say, one very special gift may well be simply keeping things like this to yourself.
Allay loo tu nuv!
Yet another classic story turned into demonstrative blow-up movie (such an unfortunate trend ...we GET it, the mans got initiative to spare).
Mr. Drummond finds the adoption of Arnold and Willis to be the gift that keeps on giving. But getting his swerve on with Arnold's elementary school teacher has a downside ...for Arnold that is.
The latest DVD craze: women staring at the camera. Japan Probe has a theory about these videos.
Like many other male children of the eighties, I had a huge crush on Holly from 'Land of the Lost' and to a lesser degree Pippi's friend Annika ... but it wasn't until Leslie Ann Warren's Miss Scarlett from the movie adaptation of the boardgame Clue, when I found the impulse to copulate with a woman on sight.
If only Joe had access to this information as a boy, instead of relying on regional dialect to serve as his moral compass. But this isn't about Joe, it's about Wittgensteinian language games.
Taking thier positions, with fuse burning, someone adds: "I don't know where the hose is."